"Meet Pia Stern", CanvasRebel, August 16, 2022 |
2021 Interview: Rising Arts Leaders |
Ewart, Nancy. "Stern and Adams at SF MOMA Gallery", The SF Examiner |
Harp, Grady. "The Fragility of the Soul: Insights from PIA STERN." Oranges &Sardines, Vol. 2. Summer 2009. Pgs. 121-123 |
Albers, Patricia. "Deeper by the Dozen". San Jose Metro, San Jose, CA, October 6-12, 1988. |
Artner, Alan G. "At the Galleries". Chicago Tribune, Chicago, IL, May 1988. |
Balsamo, Dean. "Making References to Literary Sources". The New Mexican, Albuquerque, NM, May 1992. |
Boettger, Suzaan. "Different Strokes". Artweek, August 27, 1983. |
Brookman, Donna. "Bay Area Diversity". Artweek, San Jose, CA, October 15, 1988. |
Burkhardt, Dorothy. "Feminine Statements". San Jose Mercury News, San Jose, CA,Friday, October 14, 1988. Page 13D. |
Deragon, Rick. "Stern Demeanor" Art Scene. The Herald, Monterey, CA, May 17, 1991. |
Dickson, Joanne. "Art Notes". Point Reyes Light, CA, October 25, 1984. |
Ewart, Nancy. "Stern and Adams at SF MOMA Galllery", The SF Examiner |
Farmer, David. "Life's Mystery Infuses Stern Vision." The Honolulu Advertiser, Honolulu, HI. Sunday July 17th, 2005. Page D10. |
Goldberg, Beth. "The Joys of Graffiti, Pia Stern at Jeremy Stone". Artweek, San Jose, CA, December 7, 1989.Illus. |
Harp, Grady. "The Fragility of the Soul: Insights from PIA STERN." Oranges &Sardines, Vol. 2. Summer 2009. Pgs. 121-123 |
Hewig Brenner. “Judische Frauen in der Bildenden” Kunst III 2006 Hartung-Gorre Verlag, Konstanz, Germany“ pgs. 216, 217 (Jewish Women in Art” (vol 3, German, 2006) |
Jan, Alfred. "Five Painters: Expressionism". Entertainment Review, San Jose, CA, September 1983. |
Kaufman, Tamar. "Jewish Themes Inspire Creative Outpouring at Magnes," Northern California Jewish Bulletin, San Francisco, CA, February 20,1987. |
Masullo, Robert A. "Jewishness: Ageless Spirit in Modern Media". The Sacramento Bee, Sacramento, CA Friday, March 6, 1987. |
Richards, Sally. "Fiery Innovation at Triton Exhibition". The Santa Clara American Weekly, October 13, 1988. Vol. 1, No. 9. |
Rose, Joan. "UH Art Faculty 1995 Exhibit Is Worth A Visit". Honolulu Advertiser, Honolulu, HI, December 3, 1995. |
Scharlach, Bernice. "California Dreamin'". Hadassah Magazine, December 1986. |
Shere, Charles. "Pia Stern's Abstract Oils Express Vitality". The Oakland Tribune Oakland, CA. February 12, 1982. |
Shere, Charles. "Impulse, Depth, and Poetry: The Art of Pia Stern". Image, A Journal of the Arts & Religion, Vol.21. Fall 1998, Pgs. 30-41. |
Stern, Pia. "Brush With The Law." California Lawyer, November 1994 |
Taylor, Sue. "CHICAGO: Pia Stern at Esther Saks". Art in America, New York, NY, January 1991 |
Telford, Ann. "Pia Stern". Northern California Home & Garden, Redwood City, CA, June 1990. |
Torphy, Will. "Fields of Glowing Mystery". Artweek, San Jose, CA, December 5, 1987. |
Uriante, Miriam de Uriarte. "Berkeley's 'Hidden' Women Painters", Berkeley Insider, Berkeley, CA, March 1993. |
Villani, John. "An Exploration of Personal Mysteries". The New Mexican, Albuquerque,NM, May 1992. |
Winter, David. "Artists Critics Are Watching: San Francisco". Artnews, New York, NY, February 1986. Pages 106-07. |
Winter, David. "Pia Stern". Artnews, New York, NY, May 1986. Page 79, |
"Contemporary Jewish Themes by Californians". Westart, March 13, 1987. |
Harrison, Lorraine. PAARDEN: IN DE KUNST EN DE LITERATUUR (Horses in Art and Literature), The Ivy Press Limited, East Sussex, England, 2000. Page 353. |
Beckett, Wendy. The Art of Lent, SPCK Publishing, London, England, 2017. Pages 76-77 |
Beckett, Wendy. Meditations on Peace, Dorling Kindersley Limited, London, England, 1995. Pages 34-35 |
Beckett, Wendy. Art and The Sacred, Rider Books, London, England, 1992. Pages 142-43. |
Beckett, Wendy. Contemporary Women Artists, Phaedon Press, Oxford, England and Universe Books, New York, NY, 1988. Pages 110-11. |
Brown, Christopher and Dunham, Judith. New Bay Area Painting and Sculpture, Squeezer Press, San Francisco, CA. 1982. |
Lucie-Smith, Edward.Zoo, Animals in Art, Watson-Guptil Publications, New York, 1998. Pages 94-95,170. |
Marquis, Alice. The Art Biz, Contemporary Books, Inc., Chicago, IL. 1991. |
Zaczek, Iain. Dog: A Dog's Life in Art and Literature, Watson-Guptil Publications, New York, 2000. Pages 80, 217. |