"Meet Pia Stern", CanvasRebel, August 16, 2022
2021 Interview: Rising Arts Leaders
Ewart, Nancy. "Stern and Adams at SF MOMA Gallery", The SF Examiner
Harp, Grady. "The Fragility of the Soul: Insights from PIA STERN." Oranges &Sardines, Vol. 2. Summer 2009. Pgs. 121-123


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Ewart, Nancy. "Stern and Adams at SF MOMA Galllery", The SF Examiner
Farmer, David. "Life's Mystery Infuses Stern Vision." The Honolulu Advertiser, Honolulu, HI. Sunday July 17th, 2005. Page D10.
Goldberg, Beth. "The Joys of Graffiti, Pia Stern at Jeremy Stone". Artweek, San Jose, CA, December 7, 1989.Illus.
Harp, Grady. "The Fragility of the Soul: Insights from PIA STERN." Oranges &Sardines, Vol. 2. Summer 2009.
Pgs. 121-123
Hewig Brenner.  “Judische Frauen in der Bildenden” Kunst III 2006 Hartung-Gorre Verlag, Konstanz, Germany“ pgs. 216, 217 (Jewish Women in Art” (vol 3, German, 2006)
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Masullo, Robert A. "Jewishness: Ageless Spirit in Modern Media". The Sacramento Bee, Sacramento, CA Friday, March 6, 1987.
Richards, Sally. "Fiery Innovation at Triton Exhibition". The Santa Clara American Weekly, October 13, 1988. Vol. 1, No. 9.
Rose, Joan. "UH Art Faculty 1995 Exhibit Is Worth A Visit". Honolulu Advertiser, Honolulu, HI, December 3, 1995.
Scharlach, Bernice. "California Dreamin'". Hadassah Magazine, December 1986.
Shere, Charles. "Pia Stern's Abstract Oils Express Vitality". The Oakland Tribune Oakland, CA. February 12, 1982.
Shere, Charles. "Impulse, Depth, and Poetry: The Art of Pia Stern". Image, A Journal of the Arts & Religion, Vol.21. Fall 1998, Pgs. 30-41.
Stern, Pia. "Brush With The Law." California Lawyer, November 1994
Taylor, Sue. "CHICAGO: Pia Stern at Esther Saks". Art in America, New York, NY, January 1991
Telford, Ann. "Pia Stern". Northern California Home & Garden, Redwood City, CA, June 1990.
Torphy, Will. "Fields of Glowing Mystery". Artweek, San Jose, CA, December 5, 1987.
Uriante, Miriam de Uriarte. "Berkeley's 'Hidden' Women Painters", Berkeley Insider, Berkeley, CA, March 1993.
Villani, John. "An Exploration of Personal Mysteries". The New Mexican, Albuquerque,NM, May 1992.
Winter, David. "Artists Critics Are Watching: San Francisco". Artnews, New York, NY, February 1986. Pages 106-07.
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Harrison, Lorraine. PAARDEN: IN DE KUNST EN DE LITERATUUR (Horses in Art and Literature), The Ivy Press Limited, East Sussex, England, 2000. Page 353.
Beckett, Wendy. The Art of Lent, SPCK Publishing, London, England, 2017. Pages 76-77
Beckett, Wendy. Meditations on Peace, Dorling Kindersley Limited, London, England, 1995. Pages 34-35
Beckett, Wendy. Art and The Sacred, Rider Books, London, England, 1992. Pages 142-43.
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Brown, Christopher and Dunham, Judith. New Bay Area Painting and Sculpture, Squeezer Press, San Francisco, CA. 1982.
Lucie-Smith, Edward.Zoo, Animals in Art, Watson-Guptil Publications, New York, 1998. Pages 94-95,170.
Marquis, Alice. The Art Biz, Contemporary Books, Inc., Chicago, IL. 1991.
Zaczek, Iain. Dog: A Dog's Life in Art and Literature, Watson-Guptil Publications, New York, 2000. Pages 80, 217.